Matthew 5:3
"blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" electric saw way backa Lowe's aisle 35 10-foot plank cut in half; perfect execution by the cutter and I know $4 is in my purse; and want to tip but remember half hour wait... (waved a couple times at the beeping forklift energetic flag-holder guy who ran to the man on the mic and we all heard, "help at the saw help at the saw..." and very eventually the cutter appeared relieved to see my smile in spite of the wait...) buy the heavy boards and, tired now, wheel out to Lowe's lot where homeless He approaches; feel it immediately his assumption I'm afraid but invite him near with words no one can hear "need help?" "oh thanks" open the trunk and walk to the front to show him respect, trust, dignity "I'm from Houston," "Okay, Houston. Thank you" and true gratitude ensues not the fake the real deal and that $4 flies we exchange g'byes God's energy and our encounter charges my day and takes me back to the morning with my beautiful friends around a round table reading Matthew "blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" cuz at that moment him and me We are in heaven right where we couldn't have known We would be... flown... freed into the kingdom by our respective spiritual Poverty. |
Matthew 5:4
"blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." many facets of mourning many many... mourn personal pettiness, self-pity, envy, indifference, cruelty... grieve loss of love, by closure or death or change or betrayal... grieve a "dream deferred," business bankrupt, body sold, tools, money, trust stoled... mourn remorse over wrongs wrought or received: adultery, addiction to pornography, insanity, blasphemy... grieve the chasm of iniquity between who I want to be and reality, between you and me, between oppression and liberty, between Park Ave whining luxury and the homeless broken families. grieve the trauma of tragedy played out daily in squabbles, prisons, courtrooms, board rooms, crashes, fire and ashes, backlashes... to feel it means the conscience is liberated, free, true tragedy is to be without grief without remorse without societal or self-examination, love penetration... to never mourn is to never be reborn into truth, a new heart cleansed with Holy Water restored with Sacred Honesty, God of many names, let us grieve, let us mourn at what we see and be comforted by Thee and by our Holy Spirit Family. |
Matthew 5:5
"blessed are those who are meek, for they shall inherit the earth." he took a shot of Zora green eyed cat within plants; saw her though on the road to work big job stress complex job Air Pods Pro, iPhone, Chrysler SUV, more meetings never far in his day, yet... paused, stayed struck by her pose, beauty in the greens... he's been raised up to be real, by open-armed, Spirit armed, wide river family as meek, in the Stream his own words speak "most young kings get their heads cut off," walks talks firm foundation in self-examination, meditation, prayer community, not missing forest or trees, moves in profound dignity, (and easy-laugh levity) near our God to thee, inheritor of the Earth, hears hawks squawk, cocks crow, sparrows sing, not missing in his Spirit-pace stride Zora's green eyes open wide. |
Matthew 5:6
"blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." losing friends of late no goodbyes just swoosh vamoosh... and I hunger thirst for what kicks off crave coffee sugar booze feel good tools ways to evade stark truths... so how can it be that a wretch like that, like me, hungers, thirsts, for more of You my God my King, my Everything, a woman who wonders on this hard day how to stay in the light in Your way detoxing from old idea that I need to be approved, accepted, stamped, cool by anyone but You... let me hunger and thirst for what is right in your eyes and surrender to the path that is my life and satisfy me Oh God, on the other side of this release to be at peace in my skin deep within never alone cuz angels, ancestors, Christ, accompany me in community at home alone and are enough when waters are rough, enough when feelings are tough enough, with you here by my side and inside to provide... yes, Lord, I am satisfied. "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." |
Matthew 5:7
blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy." he just couldn't love; can't blame him; every moment a new aggravation in how I talk, walk, cook, shop, that air of ease, entitlement permeated nauseated devastated a chance for love; so thick he wouldn't couldn't even pray with me... so... no forgiveness no shared humility no recognition that without God, all that remains is domination, subjugation, crippling insecurity, no mercy. |
Matthew 5:8
"blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Archangel crushes the serpent with sword aloft, wide wild wings victory, a tattoo black and white on broad back canvas of thick necked red necked Louisiana man deep listening nods as she speaks "O.D.'d last week on Ketamine" purity of connection recognition in her in her testimony mirror of he watches hears over months her surrender to the work steps 1, 2, 3... now in inventory cleans house of pain, struggle and Friday four thirty prays for her is overcome with love with pure love head to toe face aglow shows like Moses he's seen God. |
Matthew 5:9
"blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God." approach to amend for vanishing, withholding a word of my whereabouts caused worry to those who birthed, loved, cared for me, raised, fed, clothed me. Vanished into months, years of untraceable movement and could not understand until my own child until my own child withheld, withdrew, grew angry at my choices my voice, and then I knew the pain I put you through even if you negated, dismissed, thought it didn't exist. I knew and my Creator did too and I make this amend, as I see myself in you and in my child too and seek Peace with the time it took to get here; my God, why did it have to take so long to admit the depth of my wrong? to let go of my need to be right? my need to fight? to see that we are no different identify you in me, a keen, razor sharp soul surgery extracted my capacity to separate from Judas, from two thieves, Pharisees anyone in the "we" of this world especially from my now truly beloved family now weened, finally weened from dependency to be a child of the Holy of the One and only One in whom is Peace. |
Matthew 5:10
"blessed are those who have been persecuted in the name of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." protect the whole with words with prayer with truth speak of the Risen Lord the Mystical Body of Christ, the Messiah, Yeshua, Joshua Hosea, The Lord of Hosts, Most High, Creator, Maker, Redeemer, Holy One of Israel, the LORD, the One, El Roi (the God who sees me), Immanuel, Prince of Peace, Savior, King of Righteousness, The Alpha and Omega, First and the Last, Son of God, Son of Man, Ancient of Days... Go ahead and persecute me for believing the prophets, for seeing the Presence in the tabernacle, the Mazzaroth, the 7 festivals, the chakras, and send me flying to my gift. Keep me strong as your disdain chisels off my need for human approval in order to speak and live and walk the truth. |