Index (poems begin after the first image)
Layer 1 Poems
Fabricated Security
Partum Walls
A New Thing
Layer 2 Poems
Stoned Angel
Cell Calls
One Alive
Layer 3 Poems
Divine Decree
Teresa and Gary
No and Know
Layer 4 Poems
The Ark
Go to Work
Pom Pom Poof
Layer 5 Poems
Same Page
French Fry
Mama Duck
Psalm 1
Layer 6 Poems: The Beatitudes
Matthew 5:3
Matthew 5:4
Matthew 5:5
Matthew 5:6
Matthew 5:7
Matthew 5:8
Matthew 5:9
Matthew 5:10
Matthew 5:11
Layer 1 Poems
Fabricated Security
Partum Walls
A New Thing
Layer 2 Poems
Stoned Angel
Cell Calls
One Alive
Layer 3 Poems
Divine Decree
Teresa and Gary
No and Know
Layer 4 Poems
The Ark
Go to Work
Pom Pom Poof
Layer 5 Poems
Same Page
French Fry
Mama Duck
Psalm 1
Layer 6 Poems: The Beatitudes
Matthew 5:3
Matthew 5:4
Matthew 5:5
Matthew 5:6
Matthew 5:7
Matthew 5:8
Matthew 5:9
Matthew 5:10
Matthew 5:11
sharp blade machete ready miss-guided nearly lops off his own fingertops - so close but returns to further sharpen the blade... angels cry "engage this soul-beat-staccato next-note mind" haloed ones call to those willing to listen to the litany: the detox from Mormon from fentanyl from pain of too-skinny-tall from too-smart from clutter art from isolation of a mind that won't conform reform craves transform by whatever means... heroin, booze, cocaine, can't choose to stay away and today mixed coffee and tea mistakenly cuz has no time for reality, a distraction from wide-awake eye on Abraham so sharpen the blade lest he take him, take him away "never again!" to where world deports those who refuse medications sedations take him to the pyre psych-ward fire where no angel calls out to save the man laid out on sticks to fix an offering to the dominatrix... send angels for Isaac, ones who wait who engage who listen who love who make space give Grace cause to breathe angels who thereby sheath the blade wielded to burn the gift of this babe. "Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son. But the angel of the LORD called to him from heaven and said, "Abraham, Abraham"" And he said, "Here I am." He said, "Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son from me." Genesis 22:10-12 |
Fabricated Security
hear him slowly speak to my bones "the lie is powerful," felt it on its way and prayed "no Lord," but wasn't having my way; Walmart aisle B16 the scene of the whisper sense no words just a dissolve where what seemed real since a milli second riddled by unknowing takes over steadily something brings it near, nearer soft, softer identities shift what I thought I knew shape shifts emerges an unknown who I run from not the familiar hand thought held not the loving presence thought felt but a vanisher sent to persuade to love who'd leave fly away or bring me down into a dark cave a voracious gobbler sent to deprave; now on aisle A3 i see coffee, creamer, tea somehow in Wally World hours have passed for old ideas to be lost, shed in prayer as led in that place "the lie is powerful" takes me to a deeper cry mercy Lord, have mercy, set me free surrender me in this struggle that was, is, and never ever will be mine to win. so came to where he needs me, the aisle of humility; the "limit 20" cashier who released me past security past humungous carts to parking lot to wobble-walk wake-up: don't count on human love - it leaves. Trust the Divine and love one another LOVE one another in the unknowing dissolving of fabricated security. |
Partum Walls
Alma gave birth over weeks, her body a living womb labored at eighty three with COPD to release Spirit back to Maker to remember the Way to Life as the aged man who held 7-day babe smelled felt the portal back to what was, the return route to God Most High the Realm. "It's hard work" she whispered and I, who has given birth twice drug free to feel the majesty, have felt the pains, have envisioned the parting walls with mantra of "open.. open... open..." to pass to free first child second child believe her pain believe her hard work believe the third child to be the birth of me from this living womb back to eternity... "Jesus said, "The old man will not hesitate to ask a seven-day-old babe about the place of life, and he will live." Jesus as quoted in the Gospel of Thomas saying 4 |
A New Thing
woman, encircles a man "a new thing," Jeremiah says and steps forward through time to down-the-line unfoldings... why new? women for millenia grew wombed, circled, embraced... women gave-give heaven, home and in age hold-love become one embrace enable escape from ratatata race why new? what of Christ who in "sacred androgeny" in labor on the cross on the tree, was subsumed consumed into Spirit energy encircled unfurled gave birth to the whole world! Is this what Jeremiah meant? the cross, the delivery bed his gush-blood from side slit afterbirth exit of what is meant to transmit new life rebirth to encircle Son of Man now become woman? torn is the veil cry out, wail "Abba why?" as we women, too, have cried just as the child makes ready to enter the wild... a woman encircles a man per divine plan mother prays hovers at Calvary Marys cover embalm the Christ with herbal-spiritual recipe and a new thing happens to change, give birth a woman's circle round the whole world. "How long will you waver, O faithless daughter For the LORD has created a new thing on the earth: a woman encircles a man." Jeremiah 31:22 |
met Doris on jury duty sought refuge company as we waited on courthouse benches day after day novelty went away she called me "puddin" and I felt safe with this middle aged woman tiny frame and thus passed many days til the ruling freed us back to "normal" fray but Doris didn't want to go her way and called left messages to say "call me back" but I wanted her to leave me alone get the message and the Lord revealed to me today how I used her and it pains me to see the truth of my callous heart that'll use people and treat life refuse except when my need wants what it wants and right now? It's to not see... this ugly this very real part of me. |
Stoned Angel
left alone hours ticked time itched and a restless twitch shifted into motion confinement in New Orleans downpour meant no door open to walk-wander and expend energy dispel the compel. paint found under kitchen sink inspiration to go ahead just go ahead and paint that wall and so roller-rolled calm as mind aligned rhythm of work steadied soul-heart in his need his NEED for Presence bigger than agitation, broader than physical spiritual subjugations yet in that holy place face to face with lack of faith no trust was awakened to "MUST" and the validity of that which will not fail us charged brush with urgency of message to self to community "TRUST, trust me and I will trust you." silver penned on wine-colored-cross with wine-light rays explosives' display calling all to pay attention to the fourth dimension -not abandon the truth of the Kingdom the cross of Liberation, Christ's electric chair for affirmation of resurrection of vindication pintor signed his pine "the stoned angel" for all who are beaten by not heeding the call of their own God-given soul... "Don't abandon the Living God" and just as the painter cried "TRUST: so too we who see his wild plea must TRUST or be stoned to dust. |
in the name of spirituality folks say, "easy," "be still" "let it be..." yet there is Holy Busy a divine Buzz that knows... a flow, a stream a gurgle that goes… rush-gushes, then pools to slow-cool to then speed again; cooks cleans cares repairs not in the Spirit of gotta-get-it-done but in the rhythm of life of tend-feed lambs-sheep of love, peaceful free or a chance to be in own serene down-deep delight in the dance of response ability. |
radiant in a blaze of crisp white cotton big-leg-baggy jeans white shaggy dog free hair; eyes on fire mascaraed perfectly the look refined crafted wine access power, Buff to shine Puff to shine shine to climb! imperative to shine! |
Cell Calls
talk early morning and connection cheers soul endears you to me courage to speak interrupt be "me" - the one crafted by water on stone chisel on rock fire on weeds nurturing finding a voice that speaks and you hear and speak free we hang up and say "thank you God" and love our connection kicks off a craving and calls transform too quickly into cells of expectation of more rather than savoring for a time and half a time what went before. |
One Alive
Sigh as she listened to soul's song spoke to her spoke into her spoke of-for her this woman bringing to life singing a whole life birthing a life with Word She in turn spoke... others heard harmony grew and the Spirit diffused seemed to gather render unity as each next share brought the One. |
Divine Decree
slender on cell cold as hell Zulu parade Mardi Gras day 7am Jonson and Orleans shaking knees in skinny jeans i woulda begged, "need some coffee!!" but she "need some weed..." and here at nearly 40 years of sobriety I wonder "why not weed for me?" legit query, no? Here's what came to me... not going to reason with my insanity or Your divine decree just accept Your terms for me and not judge or covet her weed it's just NOT for me. |
Teresa and Gary
her light caught my eye... had just dropped to driver's seat after a day of so many, so so many with no connection face to face on the street unseen but her through the car window waved "Are you an Uber?" "no, but where you need to go?" maybe because I already knew deep within where You are that months back she had broken her hip and Gary, neighbor, best friend at the retirement home remodeled from her own elementary school at Franklin and Lavender... had picked her up like a stick off the floor and now here with her decked out in Zulu mega-beads fleur de lis with mini-frisbees we had church in the car we three! "God is so good!" "What a blessing." "Patty's not gonna believe this. Just finished saying didn't know how gonna make it home... pain too great, place too far," and that spark caught us on fire and my CRV window opened and Teresa in the front with me Gary in the back crazy how all the little things put us at the precise moment to be there at that corner for each other. And Gary said sincerely, "You ever need ANYTHING, just come see me, here, where you leave us." and I just know he says what he means... |
no and know
less is more; don't pour don't eat don't fuck, feel the heat, and please find what's cheap... smother love under a heap of "no's" "can't go's" in the quest for peace control protection from being whole "silence! y'all too loud..." less noise less motion "be still and 'n' 'o' spells NO! God in simplicity's a prison too meant to sever me from you NOT God's plan though it's true many friends have passed through my journey as they've come up against my passion for the One for connection to a story we inhabit begun at the foundation of the earth, the universe: read, study, converse observe one way to go.. then simplify and "Be still and know," |
my child has so much hair run fingers through and we stay in that place a while can see it feels good -they don't move away we need a touch tenderness so often before lost due to my energy which finally shifted via divine bludgeoning from "let me help" to "let's be in this experience together: powerless, present, at peace..." |
Preacher! LET GO, baby why stop short, strip, contort distort the miraculous to be mundane??? drives me insane gotta pray and reach beyond what's easy to believe to PREACH! |
The Ark
Welcome Shalom we are glad you are here this refuge is for us this ark a respite to nurture God's Love, Power, Way of Life. March twenty twenty three we entered to smell, see ceilings full of nicotine yet felt Holy Unseen, Presence a sense here seems many have prayed many cared here driven to prayer here to bring Creator in crystal clear. good God's gifted hands transformed this physical space and we prayed and we pray to not corrupt disrupt what pre-dated us and sustain Presence in this ark secure from the storm, for community for all who enter to nourish and share, uncover, discover, truth and care, excavate faith, let voices lead to God's-will choices to Creative Energy sustained sobriety, to an inside-our-own-sin sanctuary rebirth into One... so welcome! Shalom! We are glad you are here! |
memories can be used to say "once upon a time I mattered and I knew people who mattered" or as witness to a true story that reveals the way things flow, crash, turn from here to there when everything seemed so confusing, up in the air, terrifying, unfair, serendipitous, vulnerable at the time... memory can deflate when the telling abates or give courage to wait or take the next step, assured by the looking back the Hand of Mercy the Almighty was, is, and always will be there. |
wolf woman pisses me off walks her leashed fluffy huskies in tunnel vision lets them piss on our stairs never shows she cares never looks right or left just wicked, mean absence... unaware she's walking in her recompense. "Thousands may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but you will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked." Psalm 91 |
Go to Work
Each morning I go to work. the "work" is to resurrect You with, above, around, through in... risen Christ risen faith let me channel You into this space of busy-ness of coffee thirst of self improvement of me first of routine, plans, myriads of scams, that rob Divine of its light rob Presence its preeminence that rob love its flower, replace words with a babble tower, sublime lack of Power. so let me work to resurrect You with, above, around, through in... risen Christ risen faith the day awaits. |
Pom Pom Poof
last night a man in a pom pom black hat black hair red nose from real cold shared... somehow easy to hear slid past my judgement and fear... "my name is Oscar" and in a sea of voices his reached me... "don't want to be perfect, to be in that cage... to be clean is to be me and do different and watch the wicked inside not to hide him from You or me - just to keep him from power to define, defile, design me or hurt you... I made a choice not for him but for You..." and then... his voice went poof, pom-pom, too.. into the real cold with his red-nose. |
Out of my Reach
God, why do you always seem to place what you need me to see just out of my reach? I pray to see it... Mark 6: 1-13 page 70 opened at random and then delivered to my door 3 hours later. Don't expect to be heard by family by anyone... just keep plugging and plunging into you. |
Google maps shows three houses in a row trees grew through windows roots crawl over roof sought consumption that brought demolition two houses down one remains to serve purpose pre-ordained Zillow lists sixteen fifty six the Creator clicks heals and we are home in this Ark of Presence in the Seventh... when did the Divine spark enter this Ark? prior to stakes, poles-in-swamp ground-break? did praise, stomp prayer fill this space time ago? must have been so as together we feel connection and continue to in-vite delight-in protect the out of sight Presence found herein this beloved bone whose Spirit quietly has withstood, a Survivor in the hood. "This building is more than building. It is body. It is bone, It is a breathing, living ancestor - a soul that knows and feels. It asks us to open ourselves to all it has witnessed, It asks us to listen - to see what it has seen." -Regie Gibson |
Same Page
some folks feel it necessary to correct, corral, tap you back on the path and that’s okay… channels of the rod and staff been led that way as a lost sheep that meanders zig zags bolts off in a coma daze to escape, postpone, evade… but not my treasure friend Mama Jenn who's ready to open the gate lead out the pen and in my case saw I was close to a door and craving more opened a tome fast grabbed from she-knew-precisely-where in bookstore rows of fare to show the self- consciousness of the African mind, it’s meta-cognitive capacity to see, express, and determine itself as she in turn further empowered me… ”I see you” wordlessly that white nose pushed up against the window fogging up the view with its own willingness to see truth… and now, seven years have passed that spark that flared that gratitude still lights a refuge through it all big and small and we don’t prod or corral just share tacos books laughs as we both seek to be channels of sanity and compassion in this coo-coo nest complexity and give a big big hug at the close of many days to say, ”well done my sister” no matter what came our way… knowing our hearts are on the same sacred page. |
French Fry
red light look to right: twine-thin tall papa walkin' eatin' looooong fry dangled fry suspenseful fry might break not make it to mouth... live-wire child down south jumps at thighs sweet braids fly as he tries, wants, cries "my turn!" worm for bird potato-skin pops lowers the gold passes son child holds dangles hand over head, walkin' no talkin' nibbling salty loooong gold miraculously doesn't break (God knew what was a stake.)... light turns green in rear view see them keep walking down the street... |
Mama Duck
thank you LORD you've given us a way to be water to be wind to flow out and in to get unstuck out of inner, outer muck... to hear JJ's tale of mama duck with six chicks after a day of nothing-but-trouble no pink-cloud bubble poked and criticized pushed and minimized at Malice's Palace... punched out to see mama's duckling parade released JJ's warranted pain surprised he could even see, crack a smile bout Mama Duck's waddle down Washington with her entourage midst the grumpy, fancies awaiting valet... Mama tuft-fluffed JJ's trouble away... thank you LORD, you've made us water wind to flow out and in to get unstuck out of inner, outer muck thank you LORD for Mama Duck. |
delivers pizza, pale, still hands, thin frame, straight, wispy-fine, mouse-brown hair Roman nose sweat shirt unzipped baseball cap downward tipped... quiet in chair almost not there... when did he come? does he hear? yet somewhere, somehow, seed sown, word heard new phase unfolds... small table at Old Road with Steve... they read, speak, low but true gentle spark less mass than a quark that lightly drew him out of obsession for booze out of depression soul suppression, self-pity, despair into a twinkle today under that same cap and frail frame, love is there LOVE is there and gratitude and I too am grateful to see alchemy that bears witness to the One here, there, everywhere, to Thee. |
Psalm 1
Blessed is the one who contemplates simple rules, spiritual laws; we are like trees planted by streams of living water offering fruit at ripening time green leaves oxygen endlessly; we thrive thus, delight, when meditating on a next step of the Way; when steering clear of endless booby traps of cynicism, the quick fix, of killing ourselves to be on top; God created God sees our how we move at infinite choice-points each new day. |
"peace, peace" say the prophets, as they suffer mask rage arrogance confusion behind talks with soft tones low lights and no time to listen no money to share since a retreat in Belize is a "must!" Where's a true city of refuge who can house us? Where is place to shed old skin like old snake wise as a serpent gentle as a dove? Lead us to see from above from the mountain, from the ramparts, from United seat 33C, Blble study, 12-Step Journey, from near death, from revelation, quantum physics, from "the beauty of the Earth, glory of the skies, from the love which from our birth over and around us lies." Lead us to see what bears witness to validity of deep peace and how do I make that peace real for you as it often is for me... often is for me in You, with You my Guide, Protector, Mother, Father, Prince of Peace; and I question, "is this peace I feel worthy? just vanity? valid... though riddled with necessary insecurity? important humility? . |
8 Beatitude Poems
Matthew 5:3
Electric saw way backa Lowe's aisle 35 10-foot board halved perfectly though it was tempered wood and "I'm not supposed to use on tempered;" said the cutter and I knew $4 was in pocket; kinda wanted to tip but felt some kinda way and remembered half hour wait... had waved a couple times at the beeping forklift energetic flag-holder guy who ran to the man on the mic and we all heard, "help at the saw help at the saw..." and very eventually the cutter appeared relieved to see my smile in spite of the wait... bought the two 5' by 8" by 2" and, tired now, wheeled out to Lowe's lot where homeless He approached felt it right away He assumed I'd be afraid but invited him near with words no one could hear "need help?" "oh thanks" opened the trunk and walked to the front to show him respect, trust, dignity "I'm from Houston," "Okay, Houston. Thank you" and $4 flew and true gratitude ensued not the fake the real deal we exchanged God's energy and our encounter charged my day changed my way and took me back to the morning with my ladies my beautiful friends around a round table reading Matthew "Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" cuz at that moment him and me We were in heaven right where we couldn't have known We would be... freed by spiritual Poverty. |
Matthew 5:4
many facets of mourning many many... mourn personal pettiness, self-pity, envy, indifference, humanity... grieve loss of love, by closure or death or change or betrayal... grieve a "dream deferred," business bankrupt, body sold, tools, money, trust stoled... mourn remorse over wrongs wrought or received: adultery, addiction to pornography, insanity, blasphemy... grieve the chasm of iniquity between who I want to be and reality, between you and me, between oppression and liberty, between Park Ave luxury and the homeless broke and physically filthy... grieve the trauma of cruelty, tragedy played out daily in squabbles, prisons, courtrooms, board rooms, crashes, fire and ashes, backlashes... to feel it means the conscience is liberated, free, true tragedy is to be without grief without remorse without societal or self-examination, love penetration... to never mourn is to never be reborn into truth, a new heart cleansed with Holy Water restored with Sacred Honesty, God of many names, let us grieve, let us mourn at what we see and be and hence be comforted by Thee and by our Holy Spirit Family. "blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." |
Matthew 5:5
DeeJay snapped Zora green eyed cat within plants saw her though on the way to work big job stress complex job iPods, iPhone, Chrysler car, meetings not far off in his day, yet paused, struck by her pose, beauty in the greens... he's been raised a real man, by authentic family, as meek, surrendered to God, his own art speaks "most young kings get their heads cut off," walks unshakeable a firm foundation self-examination, meditation, prayer and friendship not missing the forest or the trees, walks with profound dignity, nearer our God to thee, inheritor of the Earth, hears hawks squawk, cocks crow, and sparrows sing, not missing in his Spirit-pace stride Zora's green eyes open wide. "blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
Matthew 5:6
losing friends of late no goodbyes just swoosh vamoosh... and I hunger thirst for what kicks off crave coffee sugar booze feel good tools ways to evade stark truths... so how can it be that a wretch like that, like me, hungers, thirsts, for more of You my God my King, my Everything, a woman who wonders on this hard day how to stay in the right in Your way detoxing from old idea that I need to be approved, accepted, stamped, cool by anyone but You... Let me hunger and thirst for what is right in your eyes and surrender to the path that is my life and satisfy me Oh God, on the other side of this release to be at peace in my skin deep within never alone cuz angels, ancestors, Christ, accompany me in community at home alone and are enough when waters are rough, enough when feelings are tough enough, with you here by my side and inside to provide... yes, Lord, I am satisfied. "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." |
Matthew 5:7
he just couldn't love the entitled and I couldn't blame him. Everyday was a new unfolding of iniquity, the way I talked, walked, cooked, shopped, that air of arrogance entitlement permeated nauseated devastated a chance for our love and he wouldn't couldn't pray with me... so what happened before with Freddy could not repeat. no forgiveness no mercy no shared humility no recognition that without God, all that remains is domination, subjugation, crippling insecurity blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. |
Matthew 5:8
Archangel Michael crushes the serpent sword aloft, wide wild wings victory over evil black and white on broad back canvas tattoo of thick necked red necked Louisiana man deep listening nods as she speaks "O.D.'d last week on Ketamine" purity of connection recognition in her in her testimony mirror of himself he watches hears over months her surrender to the work steps 1, 2, 3... now in inventory cleans house of pain, struggle and Friday four thirty prays for her and is overcome with love with pure love no, not sexual but head to toe face aglow shows like Moses that he's seen God. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." |
Matthew 5:9
Approach to amend for vanishing, withholding a word of my whereabouts caused worry to those who birthed, loved, cared for me, raised, fed, clothed me. Vanished into months, years of untraceable movement and could not understand until my own child until my own child withheld, withdrew, grew angry at my choices my voice, and then I knew the pain I put you through even if you negated, dismissed, thought it didn't exist. I knew and my Creator did too and I make this amend, as I see myself in you and in my child too and seek Peace with the time it took to get here; my God, why did it have to take so long to admit the depth of my wrong? to let go of my need to be right? my need to fight? to see that we are no different identify you in me, a keen, razor sharp soul surgery extracted my capacity to separate from Judas, from two thieves, Pharisees anyone in the "we" of this world especially from my now truly beloved family now weened, finally weened from dependency to be a child of the Holy of the One and only One in whom is Peace. "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God." |
Matthew 5:10
Protect the whole with words with prayer with truth speak of the Risen Lord the Mystical Body of Christ, the Messiah, Yeshua, Joshua Hosea, The Lord of Hosts, The Most High, the Creator, Maker, Redeemer, Holy One of Israel, the LORD, the One, El Roi (the God who sees me), Immanuel, Prince of Peace, Savior, King of Righteousness, The Alpha and Omega, The First and the Last, Son of God, Son of Man, Ancient of Days... Go ahead and persecute me for believing the prophets, for seeeing the Presnce in the tabernacle, the Mazzaroth, the 7 festivals, the chakras, and send me flying to my gift. Keep me strong as your disdain chisels off my need for approval in order to speak and live and walk the truth. "blessed are those who have been persecuted in the name of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." |
Wept this morning under assault I am NOT "the salt," my own voice said to me convincingly... went into deep prayer for a Word. candlelight at dawn heard by heaven opened to Luke seven: "Do you see this woman? I came into your house - you gave me no water for my feet, but she has made my feet wet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You did not give me one kiss, but she, from the moment I came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet. You did not anoint even my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with perfume, And for this, I tell you, her sins, many as they are, have been pardoned, because she has loved greatly; but one who has little pardoned, loves but little." Then he said to the woman, "Your sins have. been pardoned." The other guests began to say to one another, "Who is this man who even pardons sins?" But Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has delivered you; go, and peace be with you" (Luke 7:44-49) Am I "the woman?" Today, God is saying, "Yes, my beloved, you are the woman." Lord let me receive your love for me; dissolve my resistance to that love. "Lord I believe; help my unbelief!!" let me stand in that identity; Yes, I STAND, affirm, "I am the Salt" evidence proves that is true I preserve the way for those who need the truth, life, way... no congregation no denomination affiliation but I'm salt whose flow is controlled by a mighty Shaker where it's needed to go not in a place with a steeple but for people who need and somehow find my micro ministry enough for me to me, it's holy, salty, and pleases thee. |
The Ark
this space refines, forces me to be free of impurity I do not want to contaminate, bring bacteria aboard that might infect others with my random insecurity, pettiness, jealousy... Holy One reside here FREE ME! so that those who walk in breathe in safety the chance to be fully in their humanity to express whatever is knocking on their inner door in sobriety be it confusion, delusions, extasy, pain, suffering let this space be a laver, a place to undress and come clean for all the animals, all their personalities, the snake, bear, butterfly, queen bee... walk out its doors cleansed, humbled, forgiven, fed, unburdened blessed, connected, relieved, accepted, aligned with Thee. So LORD I pray, as a custodian here to be in you with you for you hold space for those I've come to hold dear whatever face, gender, shade, whether awkward, arrogant, or queer let us all heal and learn to help; In You we seek daily to believe. Holy Spirit, Spirit of Anonymity, help us nameless Holy One that leads, Thy will be done sober and clean no matter what happens or how we feel, what we think, say, or do. Amen |
"Mary said to Jesus:
"Whom are your disciples like?" He said: "They are like little children who have settled in a field that is not theirs. When the owners of the field come, they will say, 'Give us back our field!" But the children will strip naked in front of the owners in order to abandon it, so that the field is returned to them. That is why I say: "if the householder knows that a thief is coming, he will keep watch before he comes. He will not let him break into his house and his estate to steal his possessions" But you, keep watch from the beginning of the world; gird up your loins. Ready yourself with a great power so that the thieves do not find a way to get to you. Because they will find the necessities which you guard. Let there be a person of understanding among you. When the grain ripened someone came quickly with a sickle and reaped it. " Whoever has ears, hear!" (Gospel of Thomas Saying 21) |
"Whom are Your Disciples Like?"
Freddy's Ark is a house on Tonti in New Orleans... with no owner though a name is on the deed; some people think that's just talk to sound "spiritual" but it's real everything belongs to God! Yes indeed! We enter into a contract at Step 3 "I offer myself to thee." I'm not the owner keeping watch over gold, stuff that can be bought or sold... but a disciple keeping watch over a scene narrated from outside time a story unfolding, one day at a time... my role? to align each morning be at the ready to shed schedule, clothes as my dad used to say, "Stay on your toes" lest attachment to any person, place, thing, or stance prevent agility in God's dance... Dad was thinking of the next tennis ball but my mind is set on how my feet fall at each morning's entrance and final breath in the Divine dance hall. "My Creator, I am now willing to strip these clothes, let them fall, one and all, I pray that you now send me bloody-butt naked as a babe at birth so that others who need to get free, see all that I am and be is your Power, Love, and Way, Is from THEE! |
"Ready yourself"
She dreamed of crushing my white tarantula of burning down the house and I say, "Hallelujah!" someone is listening from outside time to my inner climb shedding that Snow-White mask covering hairy-scary gnarly judgements, jealousies, insecurities; share, get free with women who "have ears, can hear!" who understand white clothing, white-wash, white knights may seem clean but the true state of a soul is unseen and when its a tarantula the Owner heeds to smash the spider burn down the house get free of that shit no matter how good it looks, fine it smells, soft is it, use that sixth sense and pray for truth to be revealed shed the chaff, be the wheat get ready to be grain, made into bread that nourishes souls, emPowers who's fed; get ready for the day all tarantulas, houses go away and what is infinite, delicious, Good remains. . |