Read the inventory to another person you trust!
I was enslaved by fear, approval seeking, looking good, feeling good, avoiding pain.... Garvey encouraged blacks to break free of oppression, the imposed mental, spiritual, physical paradigm of enslavement.
Yes. Mental, spiritual incarceration is real. I've lived it blindly and consciously, too. Consciousness of an obsession does not remove it. It takes an examination of the twists, old ideas, false Gods and paradigms that keep me stuck. It takes prayer, meditation, and active involvement in others' healing get and to stay unstuck. In a way, Step 5 is much like Step 1.
It is an admission. It is truth that must be go deep into the innermost core of my being so that transformation can take place. A brilliant spiritual technology, it is available to all who are graced to receive the gift of desperation.
I remember many times being in church sobbing sobbing sobbing as the consciousness of my mistakes overwhelmed me. But the beauty of telling another person you trust is that there is no loneliness. The "other," the listener has never betrayed my confidence and wagged the finger, instead supported me to state and see truth that would set me free. Reading a fifth step is never easy. It is humbling but then the foundation of a good life is humility. God is God. I am a deeply flawed vibrant human being who is now on a healing trajectory that manifests in goodness, creativity, love, steadfastness, and freedom.
I was enslaved by fear, approval seeking, looking good, feeling good, avoiding pain.... Garvey encouraged blacks to break free of oppression, the imposed mental, spiritual, physical paradigm of enslavement.
Yes. Mental, spiritual incarceration is real. I've lived it blindly and consciously, too. Consciousness of an obsession does not remove it. It takes an examination of the twists, old ideas, false Gods and paradigms that keep me stuck. It takes prayer, meditation, and active involvement in others' healing get and to stay unstuck. In a way, Step 5 is much like Step 1.
It is an admission. It is truth that must be go deep into the innermost core of my being so that transformation can take place. A brilliant spiritual technology, it is available to all who are graced to receive the gift of desperation.
I remember many times being in church sobbing sobbing sobbing as the consciousness of my mistakes overwhelmed me. But the beauty of telling another person you trust is that there is no loneliness. The "other," the listener has never betrayed my confidence and wagged the finger, instead supported me to state and see truth that would set me free. Reading a fifth step is never easy. It is humbling but then the foundation of a good life is humility. God is God. I am a deeply flawed vibrant human being who is now on a healing trajectory that manifests in goodness, creativity, love, steadfastness, and freedom.