Saying 58
Jesus said: Blessed is one who has labored and has found life.
To "labor" is to go through the pain of childbirth. I'm a child, reborn, who has found life. It is work and often painful. The Big Book's Chapter 6 is called "Into Action," Chapter 7 "Working with Others." We stay in the messy mix where we are useful and nothing is perfect except the faith that all of it is for healing, for Good as long as we keep on the Path.
Jesus said: Blessed is one who has labored and has found life.
To "labor" is to go through the pain of childbirth. I'm a child, reborn, who has found life. It is work and often painful. The Big Book's Chapter 6 is called "Into Action," Chapter 7 "Working with Others." We stay in the messy mix where we are useful and nothing is perfect except the faith that all of it is for healing, for Good as long as we keep on the Path.
Saying 59
Jesus said: Look at the living one while you live, for if you die and then try to see him you will not be able to do so.
As a child, reborn, who has "found life," internal circumstances keep me looking to the living one that lives in me, in others, and around me (Saying 3). When I was drinking and bulimic I was blinded by craving, mental obsessions, restlessness, dishonesty, isolation, remorse, shame, pride. Yesterday, two of us read in the Big Book's Doctor's Opinion and shared the truth of our experience. Through knee-slapping, heart-breaking, gritty, ridiculous honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness each of us was set free from the bondage of self. This morning, looking back, I see the divine choreography even more clearly. I texted my sister Cyntrell and she, too, sees it. Not alone!!! Yeah!
Jesus said: Look at the living one while you live, for if you die and then try to see him you will not be able to do so.
As a child, reborn, who has "found life," internal circumstances keep me looking to the living one that lives in me, in others, and around me (Saying 3). When I was drinking and bulimic I was blinded by craving, mental obsessions, restlessness, dishonesty, isolation, remorse, shame, pride. Yesterday, two of us read in the Big Book's Doctor's Opinion and shared the truth of our experience. Through knee-slapping, heart-breaking, gritty, ridiculous honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness each of us was set free from the bondage of self. This morning, looking back, I see the divine choreography even more clearly. I texted my sister Cyntrell and she, too, sees it. Not alone!!! Yeah!
Saying 60
They saw a Samaritan going into Judea carrying a lamb. He asked his disciples: What do you think he will do with that lamb? They replied: He'll kill it and eat it. He said to them: As long as it remains alive he will not eat it; only if he kills it and it becomes a corpse. They said: Otherwise he won't be able to do so. He said to them: You too must seek a place for rest, or you may become a corpse and be eaten.
I am alive in the One, awakened, reborn. To continue the work, I must rest. Nothing "eats" a sober drunk like self-pity, fear, and delusion. Without rest, I'm a consumable corpse and fall into the delusion that to slow down, to take refuge in the Lord, to nurture my Spirit, and reconnect with my Source is indulgent and counter-productive. That old idea again, "Got to prove I'm worthy" when there is nothing to prove and no one to impress. Something inside me does actively seek my death.
They saw a Samaritan going into Judea carrying a lamb. He asked his disciples: What do you think he will do with that lamb? They replied: He'll kill it and eat it. He said to them: As long as it remains alive he will not eat it; only if he kills it and it becomes a corpse. They said: Otherwise he won't be able to do so. He said to them: You too must seek a place for rest, or you may become a corpse and be eaten.
I am alive in the One, awakened, reborn. To continue the work, I must rest. Nothing "eats" a sober drunk like self-pity, fear, and delusion. Without rest, I'm a consumable corpse and fall into the delusion that to slow down, to take refuge in the Lord, to nurture my Spirit, and reconnect with my Source is indulgent and counter-productive. That old idea again, "Got to prove I'm worthy" when there is nothing to prove and no one to impress. Something inside me does actively seek my death.