Saying 43
His disciples asked him: Who are you to say these things to us? Jesus replied: Don't you recognize who I am from what I say to you? You have become like the Jews who like the tree but loathe its fruit, or they like the fruit but loathe the tree.
First of all, by "the Jews" Jesus is referring to the oppressive religious authorities, the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
These "Jews" liked the Torah (the tree), but loathed the fruit (the Truth). The Torah alone gave the Jews privilege, but when the greater story was revealed by the life, teachings, words, healings, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus, they loathed it and sought to obliterate it.
The Jews liked the Torah (the fruit), but loathed the Truth (the tree). The Truth can also be seen as the tree which gave rise to the Scripture, rather than the other way around. The Jews used the Torah to their political and personal advantage, and therefore "liked" it. But loathed the Truth from which it sprang and to which it lead more deeply later.
"The Steps are awesome," she said, drink in hand. "But I can't imagine life without my booze. Not worth living."
(like the tree (the potential channel) but loathe its fruit (sobriety) )
"I hate those Steps and those people" but I want to stay sober for all and for good.
(like the fruit (sobriety) but loathe the tree (the process)
No surrender... between a rock and a hard place.
His disciples asked him: Who are you to say these things to us? Jesus replied: Don't you recognize who I am from what I say to you? You have become like the Jews who like the tree but loathe its fruit, or they like the fruit but loathe the tree.
First of all, by "the Jews" Jesus is referring to the oppressive religious authorities, the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
These "Jews" liked the Torah (the tree), but loathed the fruit (the Truth). The Torah alone gave the Jews privilege, but when the greater story was revealed by the life, teachings, words, healings, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus, they loathed it and sought to obliterate it.
The Jews liked the Torah (the fruit), but loathed the Truth (the tree). The Truth can also be seen as the tree which gave rise to the Scripture, rather than the other way around. The Jews used the Torah to their political and personal advantage, and therefore "liked" it. But loathed the Truth from which it sprang and to which it lead more deeply later.
"The Steps are awesome," she said, drink in hand. "But I can't imagine life without my booze. Not worth living."
(like the tree (the potential channel) but loathe its fruit (sobriety) )
"I hate those Steps and those people" but I want to stay sober for all and for good.
(like the fruit (sobriety) but loathe the tree (the process)
No surrender... between a rock and a hard place.
Saying 44
Jesus said: Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven. Whoever blasphemes against the Son will be forgiven. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, neither on earth nor in heaven.
The Holy Spirit, "Hagion Pneuma" means Holy breath. Breath is within us. Give the Father the middle finger, give the son the finger but it is blasphemy to do so against the Holy Spirit, that which is within you, within me.
The CHURCH seems to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit by condemning so many people for their sins, perpetuating division and oppression, misconceptions about God. Jesus is saying that is the great sin that we will be held accountable for. We are so vulnerable in our humanness.
Honor each human being as divine because we are.
Recognize the capacity for each soul to heal - in God's time.
The Pharisees and Sadducees were the ones sinning most egregiously against the Holy Spirit, elevating themselves to play God in the culture, oppressing the people, excluding them from God's kingdom.
Jesus called them out directly with bold accusations and indirectly with parables in an attempt to awaken them out of their deep denial, but to no avail. It cost him his life. God didn't sacrifice his son; he was assassinated by the religious authorities, murdered to maintain the power people's status quo. God just turned that lemon into lemonade and used the predictable murder to show the miracle of the truth.
So let's not use this primary respect for the "Holy Spirit" as a baby bottle to suck on while justifying injustice, oppression, denial, cruelty, indifference, or complacency. We are created to tell and live the truth.
"Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers." AA has this right. It states its primary purpose is for healing, to be there for one another. " Imagine a church that stated its primary purpose was to be there for the suffering individual. Do you think Jesus would have an argument with that?
Jesus said: Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven. Whoever blasphemes against the Son will be forgiven. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, neither on earth nor in heaven.
The Holy Spirit, "Hagion Pneuma" means Holy breath. Breath is within us. Give the Father the middle finger, give the son the finger but it is blasphemy to do so against the Holy Spirit, that which is within you, within me.
The CHURCH seems to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit by condemning so many people for their sins, perpetuating division and oppression, misconceptions about God. Jesus is saying that is the great sin that we will be held accountable for. We are so vulnerable in our humanness.
Honor each human being as divine because we are.
Recognize the capacity for each soul to heal - in God's time.
The Pharisees and Sadducees were the ones sinning most egregiously against the Holy Spirit, elevating themselves to play God in the culture, oppressing the people, excluding them from God's kingdom.
Jesus called them out directly with bold accusations and indirectly with parables in an attempt to awaken them out of their deep denial, but to no avail. It cost him his life. God didn't sacrifice his son; he was assassinated by the religious authorities, murdered to maintain the power people's status quo. God just turned that lemon into lemonade and used the predictable murder to show the miracle of the truth.
So let's not use this primary respect for the "Holy Spirit" as a baby bottle to suck on while justifying injustice, oppression, denial, cruelty, indifference, or complacency. We are created to tell and live the truth.
"Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers." AA has this right. It states its primary purpose is for healing, to be there for one another. " Imagine a church that stated its primary purpose was to be there for the suffering individual. Do you think Jesus would have an argument with that?
Saying 45
Jesus said: They do not pick grapes from brambles, nor do they pick figs from thistles for these do not yield the proper fruit. A good man brings good things out of his storehouse, but a bad man brings bad things from his storehouse (which is in his heart). And he says bad things. For out of the surplus in his heart he brings out bad things.
I stay close to the process, close to the truth of my experience with it, I hope!! That way, out of my heart comes good things much of the time. The Steps, Scripture, are good and are stored in my "house."
In my disease, it is all about getting what I want when I want it: approval, comfort, relief, excitement, adventure,...
Recently, I was accused of being a house of poison, that my perspective is rotten, infested with toxicity. I have to look to see if that is true. Eyes wide open. God, please show me the truth of my fruit; what is coming out of my storehouse? out of my heart?
Jesus said: They do not pick grapes from brambles, nor do they pick figs from thistles for these do not yield the proper fruit. A good man brings good things out of his storehouse, but a bad man brings bad things from his storehouse (which is in his heart). And he says bad things. For out of the surplus in his heart he brings out bad things.
I stay close to the process, close to the truth of my experience with it, I hope!! That way, out of my heart comes good things much of the time. The Steps, Scripture, are good and are stored in my "house."
In my disease, it is all about getting what I want when I want it: approval, comfort, relief, excitement, adventure,...
Recently, I was accused of being a house of poison, that my perspective is rotten, infested with toxicity. I have to look to see if that is true. Eyes wide open. God, please show me the truth of my fruit; what is coming out of my storehouse? out of my heart?