Saying 46
Jesus said: From Adam to John the Baptist, no one born of a woman is above John the Baptist, so that he should not lower his eyes. But I have said: Whoever among you becomes like an infant will know the Kingdom and be greater than John.
Peter walked on the water; for a moment he had a infant's mind, a beginner's mind of pure faith and was able to do the miraculous... but totally possible, walk on water. Pure faith transmuted his body to be lighter than water. I believe it!
"Be greater than John," maybe means that we are reborn belonging to a whole, to the One, the LORD. John was limited by not knowing about or experiencing the resurrection, the evidence of the Oneness we all enter into. Now when I pray for someone, I pray they are drawn into the One, the One Body, the Body of Christ, the Body of Creation. I know it but can't believe it! It's beyond me like the nature of the universe, the galaxy, the whole of creation! As I live the 12-Step design, I experience that my energy belongs to God, is aligned with and part of God.
Jesus said: From Adam to John the Baptist, no one born of a woman is above John the Baptist, so that he should not lower his eyes. But I have said: Whoever among you becomes like an infant will know the Kingdom and be greater than John.
Peter walked on the water; for a moment he had a infant's mind, a beginner's mind of pure faith and was able to do the miraculous... but totally possible, walk on water. Pure faith transmuted his body to be lighter than water. I believe it!
"Be greater than John," maybe means that we are reborn belonging to a whole, to the One, the LORD. John was limited by not knowing about or experiencing the resurrection, the evidence of the Oneness we all enter into. Now when I pray for someone, I pray they are drawn into the One, the One Body, the Body of Christ, the Body of Creation. I know it but can't believe it! It's beyond me like the nature of the universe, the galaxy, the whole of creation! As I live the 12-Step design, I experience that my energy belongs to God, is aligned with and part of God.
Saying 47
Jesus said: One person cannot ride two horses at once, nor stretch two bows, nor can a servant serve two masters, as he will respect one and despise the other. No one drinks vintage wine and immediately wants to drink fresh wine. Fresh wine is not put into old wineskins because they might burst. Vintage wine is not put into new wineskins because it might be spoiled. A patch of old cloth is not sewn onto a new garment because it would tear.
To me, the 12 steps are my life's priority. Just one priority, one simpledesign, one way, one truth, one light. Old ideas take me to two masters: Work! Family! Men! Beauty! Physical health! Social justice! All worthy to varied degrees but not one of them can not be the Center, the Source, the priority. No counterfeit Gods allowed, "no other Gods before me." The balance of the saying is about trying to mix the old and the new, which doesn't work for me. "Walk this way." There is no way to walk on two roads at once.
Jesus said: One person cannot ride two horses at once, nor stretch two bows, nor can a servant serve two masters, as he will respect one and despise the other. No one drinks vintage wine and immediately wants to drink fresh wine. Fresh wine is not put into old wineskins because they might burst. Vintage wine is not put into new wineskins because it might be spoiled. A patch of old cloth is not sewn onto a new garment because it would tear.
To me, the 12 steps are my life's priority. Just one priority, one simpledesign, one way, one truth, one light. Old ideas take me to two masters: Work! Family! Men! Beauty! Physical health! Social justice! All worthy to varied degrees but not one of them can not be the Center, the Source, the priority. No counterfeit Gods allowed, "no other Gods before me." The balance of the saying is about trying to mix the old and the new, which doesn't work for me. "Walk this way." There is no way to walk on two roads at once.
Saying 48
Jesus said: If two can make peace between themselves in a single house, they can say to a mountain, "move!" and it will move.
It's the "two" of me that must make peace with my shadow, with the enormity of my divinity and the enormity of that which wants to kill me (and you) both of which reside within me. When I do? Amazing things happen: compassion, humility, forgiveness, surrender. It's a battle I can't win but can align myself with the winning force.
It's the "two" of us that must make peace with that truth within each of us. If I haven't seen your abject, bottomless selfishness I am not living in truth and can't truly love you, just love who I want to see you are and maybe only be loved as you want to see me. Can we be in unity? Yes. Through compassion, love, patience, generosity, forgiveness.
It's the two energies around us in the larger "house," the one of God and the one of the disease, of evil, of selfishness, of not-God.
Jesus said: If two can make peace between themselves in a single house, they can say to a mountain, "move!" and it will move.
It's the "two" of me that must make peace with my shadow, with the enormity of my divinity and the enormity of that which wants to kill me (and you) both of which reside within me. When I do? Amazing things happen: compassion, humility, forgiveness, surrender. It's a battle I can't win but can align myself with the winning force.
It's the "two" of us that must make peace with that truth within each of us. If I haven't seen your abject, bottomless selfishness I am not living in truth and can't truly love you, just love who I want to see you are and maybe only be loved as you want to see me. Can we be in unity? Yes. Through compassion, love, patience, generosity, forgiveness.
It's the two energies around us in the larger "house," the one of God and the one of the disease, of evil, of selfishness, of not-God.