Saying 85
Jesus said: Adam came into being from enormous power and wealth, but he was never worthy of you, for had he been worthy of you he would not have died.
Who is this "you?" What does Jesus mean by "worthy?" Though those of the Old Testament lived for many many years, yet they died? While those of us surrendered in Spirit live eternally? We join the "you" prior to shedding our b(Earth) suits? That on a balance scale with Adam on one side and all of the immortal souls on the other, he just can't climb in? Why? His "sin" is so crazy minuscule compared to mine, his relationship to God so much more familiar, so intimate, so like a father and son.
Jesus said: Adam came into being from enormous power and wealth, but he was never worthy of you, for had he been worthy of you he would not have died.
Who is this "you?" What does Jesus mean by "worthy?" Though those of the Old Testament lived for many many years, yet they died? While those of us surrendered in Spirit live eternally? We join the "you" prior to shedding our b(Earth) suits? That on a balance scale with Adam on one side and all of the immortal souls on the other, he just can't climb in? Why? His "sin" is so crazy minuscule compared to mine, his relationship to God so much more familiar, so intimate, so like a father and son.
Saying 86
Jesus said: Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay down his head and rest.
Do you ever feel that as a woman or man with a Spirit light turned on, people are after you, seeking council, an ear, a piece of you? that when they aren't, we're being "persecuted from within" as in earlier sayings? It's the head that never lays down! LOL! Feeding, unifying the fellowship is like herding kittens, always the lost one to search for meanwhile my own separation from God means constantly letting go of what is severing the connection from the truth of your constant presence, movement, healing, love; old ideas, bad habits, self-centered fears, emotions.
Jesus said: Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay down his head and rest.
Do you ever feel that as a woman or man with a Spirit light turned on, people are after you, seeking council, an ear, a piece of you? that when they aren't, we're being "persecuted from within" as in earlier sayings? It's the head that never lays down! LOL! Feeding, unifying the fellowship is like herding kittens, always the lost one to search for meanwhile my own separation from God means constantly letting go of what is severing the connection from the truth of your constant presence, movement, healing, love; old ideas, bad habits, self-centered fears, emotions.
Saying 87
Jesus said: Wretched is a body depending on a body, and wretched is a soul depending on a body.
Does Jesus switch meanings of "body" just to keep poking at the paradoxes? One moment, the "body" is the only worthy thing, the mystical One of all of us as the Body of Christ, the entity of rebirthed souls as the Realm of Spirit, then its this thing that aches, craves, lusts, shits, pees, that we get totally distracted by as we preen, wash, dress, and make it up!!! Haha. "God bless the child whose got his own." Just don't depend on the body for anything! It's all about Spirit.
Jesus said: Wretched is a body depending on a body, and wretched is a soul depending on a body.
Does Jesus switch meanings of "body" just to keep poking at the paradoxes? One moment, the "body" is the only worthy thing, the mystical One of all of us as the Body of Christ, the entity of rebirthed souls as the Realm of Spirit, then its this thing that aches, craves, lusts, shits, pees, that we get totally distracted by as we preen, wash, dress, and make it up!!! Haha. "God bless the child whose got his own." Just don't depend on the body for anything! It's all about Spirit.