Saying 88
Jesus said: The messengers are coming to you with the Prophets, and they will give you what is properly yours. You then should give them what you have. Say to yourselves, "When will they come and take what is theirs?"
God gives us love, the steps, passed forward to me by his angels, or "messengers:" Jane, Richard, Sandy, Joe, Lisa, Alma, Herb, Constance, Vicki. They give me what is properly mine, my story, my lostness, a way to a relationship with this Higher Power. Now, some of God's angels are to receive from me; When will they come and take what is theirs? Every woman or man who approaches me for support with the steps, every person who listens to my messages in meetings, are the angels meant to receive what is theirs from my experience.
Jesus said: The messengers are coming to you with the Prophets, and they will give you what is properly yours. You then should give them what you have. Say to yourselves, "When will they come and take what is theirs?"
God gives us love, the steps, passed forward to me by his angels, or "messengers:" Jane, Richard, Sandy, Joe, Lisa, Alma, Herb, Constance, Vicki. They give me what is properly mine, my story, my lostness, a way to a relationship with this Higher Power. Now, some of God's angels are to receive from me; When will they come and take what is theirs? Every woman or man who approaches me for support with the steps, every person who listens to my messages in meetings, are the angels meant to receive what is theirs from my experience.
Saying 89
Jesus said: Why wash the outside of the cup? Don't you know that the one who made the outside also made the inside?
We scrub and wash, bath and lather our outsides as if to purify our souls. Remember, the Pharisees and Sadducees were mandated by the Law to wash hands and bodies a LOT... and in accordance with very specific rules, all intended to show their surrender to God, their willingness to live sacrificial, holy lives. But Jesus maintains that outward "godly" behavior and sacrifice are super effective masks for legalistic arrogance and self-aggrandizing martyrdom, not at all an indicator of trusting surrender to a loving God. "Look what I can do! Look what I have done!" the self-sufficient say from atop moral high ground.
In AA we wash the inside of the cup by the on-going house cleaning of steps 4-10. No mention in the Steps of bathing necessities... we intuitively, or instinctively know when to bathe once we've cleaned house!
This is so relevant in this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Jesus also said, "“Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” (Matthew 5:11)
Jesus said: Why wash the outside of the cup? Don't you know that the one who made the outside also made the inside?
We scrub and wash, bath and lather our outsides as if to purify our souls. Remember, the Pharisees and Sadducees were mandated by the Law to wash hands and bodies a LOT... and in accordance with very specific rules, all intended to show their surrender to God, their willingness to live sacrificial, holy lives. But Jesus maintains that outward "godly" behavior and sacrifice are super effective masks for legalistic arrogance and self-aggrandizing martyrdom, not at all an indicator of trusting surrender to a loving God. "Look what I can do! Look what I have done!" the self-sufficient say from atop moral high ground.
In AA we wash the inside of the cup by the on-going house cleaning of steps 4-10. No mention in the Steps of bathing necessities... we intuitively, or instinctively know when to bathe once we've cleaned house!
This is so relevant in this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Jesus also said, "“Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” (Matthew 5:11)
Saying 90
Jesus said: Come to me. My yoke is easy. My mastery is gentle, and you will find rest for yourselves.
Come into the yoke and by way of surrender to his gentle ("easier softer way") mastery, we find rest as opposed to "rest-less-ness." This is "giving over the steering wheel," taking the third step, committing to the process as a "design for living."
The yoke is a restriction certainly, but not of wood; rather, it is one written on the heart. No head trip, a journey led by the master in the drivers seat so by the things that happen I experience that I am positioned precisely where I am supposed to be.
Jesus said: Come to me. My yoke is easy. My mastery is gentle, and you will find rest for yourselves.
Come into the yoke and by way of surrender to his gentle ("easier softer way") mastery, we find rest as opposed to "rest-less-ness." This is "giving over the steering wheel," taking the third step, committing to the process as a "design for living."
The yoke is a restriction certainly, but not of wood; rather, it is one written on the heart. No head trip, a journey led by the master in the drivers seat so by the things that happen I experience that I am positioned precisely where I am supposed to be.